Tuesday, June 30, 2009

3 a Day

I'm reading a book about literacy by Mem Fox. According to this book, literacy research shows that a child needs to have been read aloud over 1,000 books before they can actually read. She recommends doing this by reading 3 books a day. Her suggestion is reading one favorite, one familiar, and one new book. If Stevie and I do this, we'll have read over 1,000 books in a year. Wowzers.

What's this blog thing anyway?

I'm starting this whole blog thingy for several reasons. One, I'm not into Facebook. Two, the grandparents seem to like pictures of the kid. Three, I keep reading all these mommy blogs chronicling fun toddler games and activities and I want to share. That's really my main reason. I'll be posting a lot of theme activity ideas, story time ideas, and photos. One of my goals as a mom and an educator has always been to make learning fun. By the time he sets his little foot into his first classroom, reading and writing will be already be a big part of his life. Reading will be a comforting piece of his home life, stuck in the middle of his new life at school. He's only 2 now, so I have some time before Kindergarten to create "love to learn" opportunities. I'll be documenting some of them and some random stuff too. Enjoy.